Would i look good with scene hair???
no !! scene hair does not look good on anyone why the he11 would u want to be scene huh? they're all fake wannabes that try wayy to hard to be cool.
Would i look good with scene hair???
Well I think you're a cute girl, so yeah, I think you could pull it off. You have that trendy look.
Would i look good with scene hair???
No, I think your hair is cute the way it is, with layers. Don't go for the scene cut obviously because EVERYBODY has them. It's getting played out and it's not cute eitherrrrrrr.
Would i look good with scene hair???
It wouldn't.
Would i look good with scene hair???
you do look like the high-maintenence kind... idk that a scene cut would suit you... and your hair is so long. you would likely regret getting that kind of cut. i did. but it does grow out.
but i'd only get a scene cut if you plan on staying completely away from a%26amp;f or ae, etc... otherwise the real scene kids might start screaming "poser!" at you. i think that you'd look really good with long layers. :) maybe just cut it to where it's just a few inches below the shoulders and trim up your bangs. you'd also look cute with straight bangs... if you're looking for something trendy.
but this way, you could still wear your cutesy clothes and remain the true-to-heart prep you are, without compromising anything. :)
good luck!
Would i look good with scene hair???
No, you wouldn't. "Scene" hairstyles are part of a specific asthetic, and preppy/trendy/"high fashion" are about as far away from that asthetic as you can get.
Would i look good with scene hair???
Your hair looks pretty how it is.
Honestly everyone has scene hair now a days and it's so lame now. Having scene hair means dying it, blowdrying it, straightening it, using gel/hairspray, that really damages/drys your hair on doing all of that.
Would i look good with scene hair???
wait, whats scene hair? im 15, should i know this?
Would i look good with scene hair???
I feel kinda awkward answering this... everyone is saying "scene" hair is overrated or something along those lines... i have "scene" hair...
Umm... I don't really think you would look all to well with it... you seem more... (ok since were going with labels here) like a "preppy" hair cut...maybe get bangs... but not so exaggerated like mine...
Hope it helps....
Would i look good with scene hair???
people will call you EMO or POSER
stick with that style, hunn :]
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