I really Want To do scene hair and make up. I know what it looks like, but idk how to do it. Any tips or directions?
I want Scene hair. Any tips on how to do it. Also I want Scene Make up!?
Agree with the majority: You're a poser, you don't
just dress scene and wala your scene, it just
happens. Stop while you're not humiliating yourself
as bad as you could.
I want Scene hair. Any tips on how to do it. Also I want Scene Make up!?
get a life
and stop trying to be like everybody else b****
I want Scene hair. Any tips on how to do it. Also I want Scene Make up!?
you dont try to be scene. U just are.
I want Scene hair. Any tips on how to do it. Also I want Scene Make up!?
... umm
u sort of sound poser-ish
but ok then.
basically u wear a lot of eyeliner
and get hair pics from photobucket.
u really sound like a poser though
so i wouldnt suggest it ....
I want Scene hair. Any tips on how to do it. Also I want Scene Make up!?
forreal save yourself
if you cant be scene all by yourself that just makes you even more fake than them. trust me i speak from experience, you dont get taught scene
you be scene.
I want Scene hair. Any tips on how to do it. Also I want Scene Make up!?
I want Scene hair. Any tips on how to do it. Also I want Scene Make up!?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRMgXex-7... try that
I want Scene hair. Any tips on how to do it. Also I want Scene Make up!?
let her b what she wants.
if she wants scene hair.
let her want it jebus.
She might not even want to b scene she might just want the hair ok
ok look go to Youtube.com.
look up scene hair.
you will loads of diff vidds on how do do scene hair
or go to photobucket and look up scene hair
GoOd Luckk
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