ok so my hair is SUPPPER curly and i straighten it,
i have "scene-ish" hair to my chin.
and i hair spry it and its perfect. ... for about 2 hourss.
then it curls and poofs.
[and i cant get a preffesionaly done [straightened]
Scene-ish hair[help]?
Use straightening serum
Scene-ish hair[help]?
YES you can! There are alot of people that go to my school that get there hair chemically straitened by a stylist and it looks great! I used to think that they only made pereminent hair straitning for african americans, but they have some for every race. It is a bit expensive but all my friends say it was well worth the money! So yea you should look into getting it chemically done! here is a link for some tips if your interested!
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